REVIEW: Ellie Goulding – On My Mind.

Ellie Goulding seems to have found the perfect recipe for getting her songs stuck in listeners’ heads, but the recipe apparently involves constant repetition that starts to feel more like a drill inserting her songs in your head, and to be frank a little lazy, rather than a pleasant melody curling its way into your head through your ear.

“On My Mind”, the first single from her upcoming album called “Delirious”, is a dance pop song which may have been created to infect people’s minds and have them happily singing for the next couple of months, but instead has created a situation where people are less likely to feel slyly infected and more likely to feel abruptly assaulted. It’s going to be a difficult time finding a smoother, less abrasive song to push “On My Mind” out of my mind every time I have the unfortunate experience of hearing it come on the radio or in the club.

The verses and pre-chorus aren’t too bad, they provide fairly easy listening but with a slight jauntiness that makes them fun. However, the chorus takes this jauntiness and increases it ten fold, to the point where instead of a bouncy dance-pop song it sounds more like an annoying little sister interrupting a conversation every three seconds.

Ellie has said she wanted to embrace her dance-pop side for this album, but maybe she should have put at least a small sliver of something else in there – rock, opera, country – anything, because this song is simply not working for her. It feels extremely one dimensional and I can’t even tell you how excited I am to be done with this review. I’ve had it on repeat and I’m going to embrace the silence that comes when I quit Spotify like I ever have before. This song is honestly anxiety inducing.




Written by: Ellie Goudling, Max martin, Savan Kotecha and Ilya Salmanzadeh
Produced by: Max Martin

Released: 17th September 2015

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